Pink Knight
50x40 cm.
Acrylic painting, linen canvas, wooden stretcher.
The main character selflessly and heroically places herself in an environment that doesn’t suit her. She could easily return to those like herself. But then, she would lose her exceptional nature. Through her striking contrast, she embodies her desire to be "different" and to express herself as vividly as possible.
An Embracer of Space
40x40 cm
Acrylic painting, linen canvas, wooden stretcher.
«An Embracer of Space» is a visualization of my idea about the inevitability of time passing and the calm acceptance of life’s cycles. When we look at galaxies from far away, they seem so small and motionless compared to the vast greatness of endless space, that it almost doesn’t matter if there is other life somewhere out there — we would never meet it anyway, due to the layers of time and space between us. From the perspective of the cosmos, we are so tiny that any rush or struggle loses its meaning and slows down to a complete stop. There is always something greater, even if we don’t see it. We just need to step back to a wider distance.